Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study an attempt of the economic analysis of the reasons of crash of "military communism" in Soviet Russia is made. The authors consider theoretical views of Bolsheviks of problems of creation of socialist economy. The attention to radical change by V.I. Lenin of theoretical provisions of K. Marx about the character and forms of transition from capitalism to social-ism is paid. Economic actions of the new power in the years of Civil war are considered: general and full nationalization of industrial production, intro-duction of food dictatorship, the attempt to replace the commodity-money relations with direct distribution of products, introduction of general labor duty, militarization of economy, etc. The actual indicators of the condition of industrial and agricultural production in the years of Civil war are given. The communication between the crisis phenomena in economy with serious social consequences is traced: falling of a standard of living of the popula-tion, the growth of incidence and mortality, especially nursery, aggravation of a criminogenic situation, etc. The attention to resistance of general popu-lation to the policy of "military communism", including armed revolts in a number of the regions of the country testifying to an acute political and eco-nomic crisis in the Soviet Russia is paid. Thus, the Bolshevist idea about di-rect and fast transition from capitalism to socialism failed that forced to re-fuse "red attack on capital" " and to pass to new economic policy.

"military communism", surplus-appropriation system, na-tionalization, food dictatorship, general labor duty, labor militarization
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