In the study the questions of implementation of state and department target programs for the development of agriculture branches of Altai Region are considered. The state agrarian policy of Altai Region, being part of state agrarian policy of Russian Federation, is directed to the achievement of strategic objectives of social and economic development of Altai Region. The programs of Altai Region provide complex development of all branches and subsectors of agriculture, spheres of agrarian and industrial complex and are urged to create conditions for ensuring further intensive development of branch and the solution of social problems of rural territories: the increase of competitiveness of agricultural production on the basis of innovative de-velopment of priority subsectors, ensuring reproduction and increase of effi-ciency of land use and other resources; ensuring financial stability of agri-cultural enterprises; the growth of living standard and employment of coun-try people; creation of favorable social and economic conditions for the complex and sustainable development of rural economy (assistance to crea-tion of hi-tech workplaces in the village, increase of comfortable conditions of rural citizens activity, activization of participation of citizens in the im-plementation of socially significant projects in rural areas, formation of pos-itive relation to rural areas and rural way of life). In the study the analysis of development of branches of agriculture in dynamics of years is carried out, the share of Altai Region in All-Russian production of the main types of agricultural production and its rating among regions of Russia is defined. Conclusions in strategic directions of implementation of state and depart-mental target programs of development of agriculture are drawn.
agriculture, state program, priorities, Altai Region
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