In the study topical issues of formation and development of the agricul-ture focused on the production of organic production are considered; the concepts "organic agriculture", "agriculture focused on the production of organic production", author's submission of their contents are given. Pre-requisites of involvement in agricultural production turn of fallow and not used lands for maintaining organic agriculture are proved and reasoned. The main directions of formation and implementation of the concept of the agriculture focused on production of organic production at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation, within the strategy of import substitution of food are proved. The authors offered the technique of formation and im-plementation of regional target programs of development of agrarian and industrial complex, on its basis the draft of the Regional target program "Involvement in Agricultural Production of Not Used for Purpose Arable and Laylands of Agricultural Purpose of Altai Region for Production of Organic Production for 2017-2022" is developed. On the basis of strategic develop-ment plans of organic sector of agriculture of Altai Region, and also devel-oped by the authors the draft of the Regional target program the forecast of production of agrarian and industrial complex of Altai Region for 2017-2027 with allocation of the share of organic production of agriculture and the assessment of efficiency was calculated. The results of the authors’ re-searches were considered by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Fed-eration and recommended for use in practice on the formation of strategy of development of organic agricultural production in agrarian regions of the country (the Reference of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federa-tion № 13/2530 of 19.11.2014).
agrarian and industrial complex development, organic production, laylands, not used arable land, the policy of import substitution, regional programs of development, forecast
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