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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study is the investigation of dynamics of growth and decrease in the quantity of crimes in Khakassia in the period of "thaw". At general reduction of the quantity of crimes as a whole the number of mur-ders, heavy injuries, rapes, acts of hooliganism increased. In 1953 in the ar-ea there were committed 3 times more murders, than in 1948. In 1956 in comparison with 1955 the quantity of crimes in Khakassia increased on 797, or by 90 %, the number of hooligan tricks increased up to 556, thefts on 52, robberies on 25, rapes on 19, murders on 7. In comparison with 1956, in 1957 the quantity of crimes in the area was reduced on 222 and the number of thefts of personal property and hooligan manifestations decreased. Thus the number of murders grew on 16, assaults on 12, thefts of the state and public property on 2, rapes on 1, other crimes on 14. The growth of crimes in 1958 in comparison with 1957 made 225 cases, or 17.3 %. There was recorded 1 murder more, thefts of the state and public property on 56, thefts of personal property of citizens on 88, acts of hooliganism on 85. In 1959 in Khakassia 1259 crimes were committed, thus the number of murders increased to 44, heavy injuries to 66, rapes to 28. The growth of sales of alcoholic drinks was one of the main factors influencing the increase in the number of violent crimes.

Khakassia, "thaw", crime, law enforcement authorities
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