The actions directed at the improvement of technologies of production and action for the organization of through resource management of agrari-an and industrial complex are necessary for the solution of the main objec-tives in the sphere of agrarian and industrial complex (AIC). For the realiza-tion of the second type of actions the use of cluster approach is supposed. The concept "cluster" has no unified definition and is considered by different au-thors from different points of view. It is possible to allocate five approaches to the allocation of dominating factor of creation of the cluster: 1) with allo-cation of technological, branch dominant; 2) with allocation of geograph-ical, infrastructure dominant; 3) with allocation of an investment, design dominant; 4) innovative; 5) synergetic. Thus two last are universal, i.e. they "are imposed" on three previous and are interconnected among themselves. The points of view of some authors in the section of allocated approaches are considered in detail. The greatest interest in cluster question is shown in agrarian and industrial complex now. General advantages from creation of clusters in agrarian and industrial complex were marked out: the stimula-tion of innovative activity as the result of partnership in the cluster, scale ef-fect (synergetic effect) as the result of specialization of participants of the cluster, minimization of costs and decrease in prime cost of made product as the result of optimization of production and technological processes, the in-crease in internal and external investments, the growth of the employment and increase in the standard of living of the population, the development of more close connections between agrarian and industrial complex and sci-ence, the growth of the main economic indicators of activity of the enterpris-es of the cluster, the cluster and according to the region of its presence, de-velopment of technologies and branch in general, strengthening of interna-tional competitiveness. Monocluster approach to the formation of coopera-tion in agrarian and industrial complex which assumes the creation of asso-ciations not on territorial sign, and on the community of made product is of-fered. At the expense of the community of operations and functions serious economy at the expense of scale effect will become possible. The creation of monoclusters will allow organizing effective through resource management in agrarian and industrial complex.
agrarian and industrial complex, cluster, innovation, syn-ergetic effect, monocluster
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