The process of formation of logistic infrastructure of agrarian and in-dustrial complex of Krasnoyarsk Region provides creation of the system of monitoring of commodity flows which is impossible without the assessment of production potential of agricultural producers. The knowledge of poten-tial of commodity flows of regional chains of deliveries will allow agricul-tural producers to receive the information for balance of a number of key indicators of the chain of deliveries, such as output and realization, profit, prime cost, profitability, capital productivity. Existing statistical data have separate character therefore the assessment of production potential of commodity flows in agrarian and industrial complex of southern part of Krasnoyarsk Region was carried out, the group of priority producers was allocated. In Krasnoyarsk Region the division of the territory of the region into two latitude belts is obvious: northern and southern. Each of these belts, in turn, is divided into administrative and territorial formations (ATF). In the study the regions of southern latitude belt in which the main quantity of producers was concentrated were considered. For further analysis 4 ATF were taken: Central, Western, East and Southern areas. Regional producers of agricultural commodities who for several years in the row showed high rates of production were marked out. The overall picture of production of agricultural items on the areas of Krasnoyarsk Region was shown. The analysis of current state of branches of agriculture of the region and balance of food resources was carried out. In general, the volumes of food resources increased in many groups of goods. Carried-out analysis of sources of trade flows in agrarian complex of Krasnoyarsk Region allows to determine the potential of the main producers of agrarian and industrial complex and to structure them in groups on the types of production of agricultural items: milk, meat, grain and leguminous, vegetables and potatoes.
commodity flows, agrarian and industrial complex, re-gion, logistics, agricultural producers
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