Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research objective was on the basis of the analysis of poverty in Russia to formulate the recommendations submitted on its decrease. The re-search problems were: 1) to consider statistical characteristics of poverty; 2) to characterize poverty in Russia as sociological phenomenon; 3) to offer the solutions of the problems of poverty. Socio-economic indexes reflecting the condition of the problem of poverty in Russia from which it is visible that the number of the poor grows quantitatively and in percentage ratio were given. Comparative analysis of purchasing power of the salary in dynamics for years (2005-2016) calculated by the authors according to Rosstat from which it was visible that purchasing power of minimum wage rate in Russia for the last four years tends to decrease. Sociological researches show nega-tive attitude of Russians to the poor, blaming them for the circumstances, and poverty increase tendency because in poor families it is more difficult for children to get access to education and other social benefits. Similar situ-ation becomes aggravated in connection with cut in expenditure of the state on social purposes. The number of measures directed on the decrease in the differentiation of the income of the population of Russia was offered: 1) the growth of availability of education due to the growth of the state order from founders of educational institutions that, in turn, has to be financed from budgets of appropriate levels; 2) more uniform distribution of the income (it is a source for the growth of medium salary, i.e. fair and worthy salary of most of citizens); 3) an ascending scale of the taxation, as in the majority of the European countries. There is also the need for methodological and standard and legal criteria of allocation of middle class and rich population whereas for today only the class of the poor is allocated.

poverty, stratification according to the income, minimum wage, a subsistence minimum, income, state regulation
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