The research objective was the analysis of the system of social partner-ship and collective agreement as the product of social partnership at the lev-el of enterprise (organization). The research problems were: 1) the charac-teristic of social partnership in modern economy of Russia; 2) the considera-tion of a standard and legal basis of social partnership; 3) the research of collective and contractual relations in domestic economy. During the re-search such scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, comparative analogy, induction and deduction were applied. Semantic value of the term "social partnership" is reduced to joint activity of subjects of labor relations. In eco-nomic and social policy this term means consultations and cooperation be-tween hired workers and employers at different levels concerning the defini-tion of mutually acceptable terms of employment and compensation. For this research we will define social partnership as special type of social and labor relations inherent in modern market economy providing on the basis of equal cooperation of its subjects optimum balance and realization of their main interests. Legal basis of the system of social partnership are the Consti-tution of the Russian Federation, federal laws "About collective treaties and agreements", "About the order of decision of labor disputes", "About labor unions, their rights and guarantees of activity", other laws and regulations governing labor relations, provisions of conventions and recommendations of ILO. The main problems facing the system of social partnership in mod-ern economy are 1) the development of mechanisms of decrease in negative effects from growth of the minimum wage rate, 2) painless introduction of professional standards. On the basis of conducted research it is possible to draw the following conclusions: 1) social partnership is a mechanism of reg-ulation of social and labor relations at the enterprises and in economy today in general; 2) as the strongest link in the system of social partnership the state acts; 3) the contents of collective agreements can freely be defined by the parties today and they can join any positions by agreement of the parties which are not contradicting the legislation.
social partnership, trade unions, collective agreement, col-lective agreements, agreements, state regulation
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