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Abstract (English):
Static analysis on the main indicators of social policy proceeding from which it is visible is provided in the study that social indicators of Russia lag behind similar indicators of foreign countries. Further the essence and the main directions of modern social policy of Russia are shown. The statement locates that as the purpose of social policy growth of welfare of all citizens of the country acts, and its main objective is building of human capital to the level of human potential. The distinction of two categories, i.e. human capi-tal and human potential is given. The realization of the objective requires the development of such directions of social policy which will allow carrying out formation and development of human capital in all chain, beginning from its creation, i.e. the birth of the person, and finishing with the development of its competences. For this purpose it is shown that in the formation of hu-man capital the population policy and the policy of health care, and partici-pates in its building - the policy in labor market consisting of preparation of youth for its requirements and the policy in education focused on training of the expert possessing competences. The actions within certain directions of formation and development of human capital are presented. So, the main directions of stimulation of birth rate in Russia are shown. They are pre-sented together with other problems of social policy of Russia. It is shown that as the second important problem of social policy is the stimulation of self-employment of the population giving the chance to the population to in-crease their welfare independently, the methods of its stimulation are pre-sented. The problem of the help to the poor and vulnerable segments of the population acts as the third task. The development of the system of social partnership for which the instruments of its development are developed acts as the fourth task. In conclusion, general inferences and trends in the devel-opment of Russia's social policy are given.

social policy, standard of living, human capital, human potential, demography, education, unemployment
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