Scientific research on certain problem aspects of agro-industrial pro-duction at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a significant relevance in agrarian and legal science of late. In the study one of the first attempts of legal analysis of two new perspective directions of the development of agriculture in the Krasnoyarsk Region has been undertaken: the development of agro-industrial integration and making organic agricul-tural products. As a result of conducted researches one can come to the fol-lowing conclusions: in the first direction there are real prospects of creation of the cluster of agrarian and industrial enterprises in Krasnoyarsk Region in the territory adjacent to Beryozovskaya GRES, for this purpose of the de-velopment and acceptance of the Strategy of the development of agrarian and industrial cluster of Krasnoyarsk Region for the period till 2025 will be required. Also for the discussion the definition "agro-industrial cluster of Krasnoyarsk Region" which is now missing in the legislation of Krasnoyarsk Region is offered. In the second direction of agricultural development of Krasnoyarsk Region, it is concluded that it has special value and perspective for our subject of the Russian Federation, since it occupies the second place in the country after the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), it is advisable to pro-vide state support measures for the development of the infrastructure of the movement of organic agricultural products from a producer to buyers. Not less important direction of the state support is the admission of producers of organic agricultural production to food networks or in general creation of regional brand of "organic agricultural production of Krasnoyarsk Region". It is desirable to develop the project soon and to adopt the Law of Krasno-yarsk Region "On making organic agricultural production in Krasnoyarsk Region" which will promote the development of the market of organic agri-cultural production directly in our region. Thus, the study reflects current trends in legal regulation of the development of agro-industrial integration and making organic agricultural products in Krasnoyarsk Region.
agriculture, development of agro-industrial integration, making organic agricultural products, agro-industrial cluster, Krasnoyarsk Region, legislation, integration of agricultural organizations, food sanc-tions, import substitution, food supply