Fish branch plays an important role in the development of national economy therefore its studying is one of the most actual problems for re-gional economy in general. Historical experience with all its achievements and shortcomings which will help to assess adequately modern situation in fishery is analyzed and generalized to define the ways of its further devel-opment. Functioning of Soviet model of fishery was provided with the sys-tem of state support allowing to develop fish branch successfully and to solve social problems of seaside regions. The country leaders always paid great attention to the development of fishing industry as most important branch of food supply of the population. For years of Soviet power in short space of time on the basis of implementation of the plans of industrialization of the country the material base of fishing industry was created. In the study the organization of activity of fishing farms, regulation of their work and con-trol from Soviet authorities were considered. The organization of collective farms allowed to include fishing trade in the system of planned economy and to provide the state with the guarantee on preparation of fish produc-tion. The formation of the system of organization of fishing trade in Baikal Region happened after the liquidation of Eastern Siberian regional trade and production union of hunting, fishing and integrated unions and cooper-atives and integrated cooperation. It was based on specialized collective farms and farms created on the basis of the Charter of agricultural artel on which the responsibility for allocation of labor for fishery was conferred. For the management of fishery in the region Irkutsk and Buryat-Mongolian state fishing trusts were created. Before the war in Baikal Region there was strengthening of material resources, personnel potential of fishing trade as a result of which the involvement of resources of the wild nature in economic circulation increased.
fish plants, State Fish Trust, fishing industry, Baikal, party organizations, fish branch
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