Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern concept of agrarian and industrial complex functioning in Rus-sia is based on the necessity of ensuring the sustainability of agriculture. During the period of agricultural sector reforming the objective need for the development of small forms of management appeared. The study sets the goal to determine the state of small entrepreneurship sector in agriculture of Russia; this goal is achieved by statistical and analytical methods of re-search. Basing on conducted analysis, it is concluded that the largest share of state support goes to large enterprises, while small and medium-sized en-terprises get only a small part of the funds allocated from federal budget. The main factors affecting the development of small and medium-sized en-terprises (SME) and the consequences of incomplete financing for the entire industry are identified. The analysis of banking sector condition and gov-ernment policy in the field of preferential lending to small and medium-sized enterprises is given. Russia’s membership in the WTO forced to give up the methods of direct support to agricultural producers and to look for options permitted by strict rules of the organization. The introduction of economic sanctions forced to introduce the import substitution and counter-sanctions. It was revealed that during 2015-2017 the growth of indicators of SME had not reached though the number of SME organizations grew to 6 million, but the number of workers was reduced by 11 % as more than the half of money goes to SME Corporation, 95 % from them are spent without participation of regions. Reliable borrowers of soft loans are selected by bank, and SME are not included into their number. The experience of China in the organization of training and elimination of financial illiteracy should be studied; the technique of mentoring and coaching of beginning businessmen should be applied within 3-5 years.

state support, preferential lending, borrower, authorized bank
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