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Abstract (English):
Historical analysis of Bailiffs’ Service activity has been carried out. It is shown that this structure has always existed in Russia, and the need of its functioning is caused historically. Eventually the role of bailiffs increased, and now they are central link of the whole judicial system. However, it is impossible to consider the work of bailiffs in modern Russia to be effective. The statistics of indicators gives an idea of deterioration of activity of con-sidered institute. First of all it is inefficient system of the assessment of activ-ity of bailiffs which leads to "race" behind indicators therefore police officers try to close affairs not difficult for work and at small sums to return. Other problem is the bureaucratization of the system and congestion of police of-ficers work volume, a small salary of the employees of the system. Within the reform of Bailiffs Service many problems are sure to be softened. For the so-lution of the problems the change of the approach to the assessment of over-all performance of judicial police officers-performers, having regarded as paramount importance the sum of collectings, but not percent of successfully ended productions is suggested. For effective work judicial police officers-performers have to concentrate on collecting, for this purpose the volume of paper work needs to be minimized. Today it is expedient to direct employees on professional retraining which according to the existing labor legislation is capable to grant the right to the employees to be engaged in this kind of activity. The cases of collecting administrative penalties have to be brought out of competence of Federal Law Court Bailiffs Service, credit organiza-tions can be engaged in them. One more important direction is the adjust-ment of interdepartmental interactions and electronic systems of exchange of information. For collecting in favor of individuals it makes sense to enter the institute of private judicial performers which would be accountable to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

bailiffs, execution of decisions, the problems of debt collect-ing, debt, Federal Law Court Bailiffs Service, debt recovery, reform
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