Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the study the first investigation phases and studying of energy re-sources of the river basin of the Yenisei are considered. The measures for the development of hydropower development plans for the Angara-Yenisei Re-gion in 1920-ies and 1930-ies are shown. Key provisions of the hypothesis of Professor V.M. Malyshev which received practical realization in the second half of the XX century at construction of hydroelectric power stations on the Angara are revealed. Unique and little-known documents testify that even then researchers have seen the prospect of using energy resources of the An-gara and Yenisei in a uniform territorial and industrial complex. The exist-ence of the problem of the development of hydroenergy resources of Siberia consisting in the definition of precedence of construction of hydrostations on the Angara or Yenisei and its inflows is established. Essential moments and dialectics of development of working hypothesis in the Yenisei are general-ized. It is revealed that by the beginning of the pre-war period of industriali-zation of east regions of the country more powerful energy and economic potential of water forces of the rivers of the basin of the Yenisei have been proved, and also feasibility studies have been developed for the construction of the cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Yenisei. It is noted that the researches made by engineer N.K. Mikhaylov, the data collected by Len-ingrad experts expressed the point of view about the need of production of hydrotechnical works on the Yenisei. The main reasons which defined the de-cision on the construction of hydroelectric power stations on the Yenisei in the second turn are designated. Commitment, scientific search, depth and de-tailed study of perspective projects of the first researchers of energy resources of Siberian rivers allow to claim that their works are a basis of the process of accumulation of scientific and practical experience which is necessary today for the development of concepts of innovative development of Krasnoyarsk Region and other territories of Siberia.

the Yenisei River, the Angara River, industrialization, hy-droelectric power station, natural resources, territorial complex develop-ment, Siberia
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