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Abstract (English):
The development of agriculture depends on many factors, and among the main ones is the creation of favorable, comfortable living conditions in rural areas. Thus the solution of the problem of providing rural residents with hot water for satisfaction of hygienic and domestic needs, economic needs of the personal homestead farms (PHF) and farmer (country) farms is important. From nearly one million rural residents living in Krasnoyarsk Region, the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva only small percent which are generally living in regional centers has opportunity to provide themselves with hot water in demanded volume all year round. For widespread intro-duction and effective use of the systems of solar hot water supply (SSHWS) in rural houses located on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region is necessary to solve the complex of scientific problems connected with studying of the modes of receipt of solar radiation on specified territory, justification and the choice of rational parameters and operating modes of SSHWS taking in-to account the places of their installation. The object of the research are sys-tems of solar hot water supply of rural household consumers and their ap-plication for hot water supply of rural settlements, their economic efficiency and scopes for rural settlements of Krasnoyarsk Region. When performing above-mentioned works the methods of mathematical modeling, devices of algebra and linear programming, the system of computer mathematics of Maple and the technique of economic assessment of investments have been used. Various types of installations for SSHWS for the purpose of use in ru-ral houses and country houses of gardeners for hot water supply are consid-ered, economic indicators are calculated and the scopes are defined. Using SSHWS for hot water supply in rural settlements of Krasnoyarsk can pro-vide comfortable accommodation of the population in the conditions of the lack of centralized power supply, its low reliability, and also provide partial replacement of solid fuel and gas.

rural settlement, hot water supply, capital investments, the cost of production of thermal energy
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