The main social and economic tasks of Krasnoyarsk Region are growth and development at the expense of processing branches and infrastructure development. For the achievement of it various investment projects are real-ized. So, in regional government simultaneously two programs for the de-velopment of road and transport branch of the region have been approved. Other priority direction is the development of Krasnoyarsk agglomeration planned during 2008-2020. One of significant projects realized on the terri-tory of the region is Vankor Oil and Gas Field project which is planned dur-ing 2003-2020. As the important project of development of city infrastruc-ture the Krasnoyarsk - City project representing the creation of new busi-ness center of the city acts. Much attention is paid to the tourism by means of the development of natural park "Ergaki". The main place in realization of investment policy of Krasnoyarsk Region is taken by modern project "Ye-nisei Siberia" covering two neighboring regions except Krasnoyarsk Region: Khakassia and Tuva. The purpose of investment policy of the region is crea-tion of the complex of the conditions forming favorable investment climate which includes the set of economic, political, legal, financial and social fac-tors. The directions of realization of investment policy have to include addi-tional measures. First, initiation of the region by public authorities and local governments of municipalities of investment offers the implementation of investment projects equitable to strategic interests of regional development, including the projects of creation of overworking enterprises which are car-rying out the release of finished goods, and innovative productions. Second-ly, infrastructure ensuring investment activity as insufficient level of devel-opment and inaccessibility of infrastructure are one of major factors limit-ing investment activity in the region. It is important to carry out the stimu-lation and the state support of investment activity directed on strengthening of financial condition of investors and businessmen of the region and the ex-pansion of their access to financial resources.
investments, regional economy, economic effects, projects, development, growth
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