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Abstract (English):
In August, 2018 V.I. Lenin wrote the letter to American workers, in which he in particular quoted the words of a prominent Russian public fig-ure, writer and revolutionary N.G. Chernyshevsky about historical devel-opment of mankind. Here, at once fundamental difference between Lenin and Chernyshevsky can be traced: the latter has the development "historical path", and the proletarian revolutionary has “historical activity”. It was dis-cussed and protected by V.I. Lenin in his letter. Its purpose was accurate propaganda: to turn American workers, progressively adjusted socialist in-tellectuals against interventional policy of the USA and the Entente carried out concerning Soviet Russia in 1918. That year Russia through revolution and civil war chose a further way of its social modernization. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin explained Bolshevist program of transformation of Russia to American workers. He noted that the US had arisen as a result of anti-feudal revolution and liberation war against England. In a century and a half by 1918 American civilization had reached great heights. Lenin considered that in general the building of socialism in Russia was to be firmly based on American experience using the system of F.U. Taylor in management, edu-cation, technical development. But at the end of the summer of 1918 the as-sistance of American workers and, especially, of course, socialist-minded in-tellectuals in defending Soviet Russia from direct Entente intervention was required. Lenin explained to the Americans that the Brest Peace had become a forced measure of protection. He told the workers about progress, miscal-culations and errors of Russian revolution, the need for revolutionary terror and the restriction of formal democracy. In general, ideas and thoughts re-flected in V.I. Lenin’s letter proved to be very relevant. They reached pro-gressive Americans, and the Entente countries lost their soldiers. Bolsheviks as a result created a five-million army, and the Red won in the struggle against the White.

Lenin, Soviet Russia, American workers, Russian revolu-tion, American revolution, American civil war, terror, the intervention of the Entente, Soviet Constitution of 1918
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