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Abstract (English):
The ability to create competitive products for domestic and foreign markets is becoming a key factor in the country's food security and the safe- ty of agrarian and industrial complex enterprises. In these conditions such essential characteristic of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex as technological safety is required. Achieving the objective and structuring objectives of the study requires the disclosure of the essence of the concept "technological safety of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex". In the study the essence of the concepts ‘safety of an enterprise’, ‘technologi- cal safety of an enterprise’, ‘scientific and technological safety of an enter- prise’ are investigated. The essence of the concept ‘scientific and technologi- cal safety of an enterprise’ was specified and the concept ‘production and technological safety of an enterprise’ was introduced. The specification of the essence of these concepts allowed to determine the following investiga- tion phases: the formation of the system of factors of scientific and techno- logical safety of enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex; the for- mation of a special system of indicators of scientific and technological and technological security of enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex, the use of which would allow to identify threats to technological security of en- terprises of the complex. On the basis of the account of signs of concepts ‘sci- entific and technological safety’, ‘production and technological safety of the enterprise’ factors of scientific and technological and production and techno- logical safety were revealed and systematized. By equivalent factors the sys- tem of indicators of scientific and technological and production and techno- logical safety of the enterprise of agrarian and industrial complex was con- structed. The analysis of scientific and technological safety of the processes of research and developmental processes on the basis of using offered sys- tem of indicators allows allocating the threats for decreasing their efficien- cy. The use of proposed system of indicators of industrial and technological safety is designed to identify the threats to reduce the efficiency of industrial development of the prototype of promising products of agricultural enter- prises.

safety of the enterprise, scientific and technological safety of the enterprise, production and technological safety of the enterprise, re- search and developmental works, industrial development, prototype
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