The study is based on Krasnoyarsk Region archive documents and peri- odicals, and it reveals the problems caused by the transition from rationing (card) system to free trade after the Great Patriotic War reveal, preparatory work of party and Soviet bodies for the implementation of December 1947 resolution of the party and government is analyzed. Designated reform of the sphere of the address of goods became the continuation of the actions of the government directed on the stabilization of financial and economic sys- tem destroyed in the years of war and implementation of social slogans con- cerning social and uniform population. The need of cancellation of distribu- tive system was caused by that in post-war space it promptly lost former ef- ficiency to what repeated increase of number of thefts and plunders in the system of card distribution testify; actual redistribution of funds of food and industrial goods in favor of administrative and trade and supplying person- nel; the increase of the protest among the population; the growth of the black market including both small speculative operations, and large-scale swindles. Studied material allows the authors to come to the conclusion that in general the distribution network in Krasnoyarsk Region was not ready to transition to " developed Soviet trade" because of that throughout long peri- od various forms of restriction of a consumer’s demand continued to remain here, and many essentials remained deficiency for most of the population. At the same time elimination of rationing system laid the foundation to intro- duction of new forms of service of buyers, expansion of the range, improve- ment of quality of goods.
rationing system, Krasnoyarsk Region, food fund, supply of the population, free trade
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