Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agrarian policy of Altai Region, being a part of the state agrarian poli- cy of the Russian Federation, is directed on the achievement of strategic ob- jectives of social and economic development of Altai Region. The develop- ment of multistructural forms of managing is one of the main directions of development of agriculture of the region. Granting financial means on the state support in the sphere of development of agriculture of Altai Region is carried out according to the state and target programs. In the study the out- put of agricultural production was considered in dynamics of years; the lev- el of the state support of agricultural producers; volume of investment into fixed capital; volume and structure of financing of agriculture and rural ter- ritories of the region. The analysis showed that for all forms of managing the credits from the temporary period to 5 years that seasonality of produc- tion and realization of agricultural production was explained by a number of factors of objective character, including the most demanded; backward- ness of logistic infrastructure; level of availability of credit resources, etc. The level of crediting for the development of individual farming of the popu- lation decreased a little, it was promoted by the reduction of the number of country people of the region and getting old of villagers which was not al- lowing having personal farm. At the same time the steady tendency of re- duction of general livestock of animals connected with a number of nega- tively progressing factors remained: the reduction of the number of able- bodied country people, fodder grounds, worsening accommodation condi- tions in rural areas regarding engineering and social infrastructure, etc. The development of multistructural forms of managing in agriculture of the region is effective, and further development will be defined by economic pol- icy of the region.

production, production, agriculture, multiformity
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