The research objective was the definition of major factors, stages and results of development of animal husbandry of agrarian sector of Tyumen Region. Significant attention was paid to studying of the main subsectors of animal husbandry (cattle breeding, pig-breeding, poultry farming and sheep breeding), dynamics of production and government procurements. The reconstruction of development of animal husbandry in Tyumen Region in the 1960-ies - the first half of the 1980-ies was carried out, its dynamics was revealed and the development problems were defined. The changes tak- ing place in livestock sector of agrarian economy of the region during con- sidered historical period were connected with changes of agrarian policy of Soviet state. Intensive increase in the preparing the production of animal husbandry in the first decade was a consequence of restoration of branch af- ter crisis of the beginning of the 1960-ies and positive influence of the measures taken in March (1965) plenum of the party. Intensive earlier branches - pig-breeding and egg poultry farming were developed. In meat and dairy cattle breeding rates of development were lower, and in sheep breeding the recession took place. The delay of rates of development in the second half of the 1970-ies had the reason of disbalance of operating eco- nomic mechanism. Compensatory effect of the Food programme of the USSR caused stabilization of branch in the second half of the eleventh five-year pe- riod. Rather high level of investments into animal husbandry of the area al- lowed overcoming the development of negative processes. The cattle breed- ing of the region made an essential contribution to providing workers of oil and gas complex with products. The transfer of animal husbandry to indus- trial basis and the transition for payment of work, not depending on its end result, caused the accruing alienation of the employees of agricultural en- terprises from the land and other means of production and the decrease in the efficiency of agriculture.
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