Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the research of the problem of planned agricultural reset- tlement to Siberia in the second half of the 1950-ies directed on the imple- mentation of the program of rise in agriculture of Siberian village carried out on the basis of the representative resources base presented by written sources were presented in the study: legislative and standard, office work and statistical materials. This problem did not find rather full reflection in Siberian historiography. The objective of the research was the representa- tion of the results of studying the process of organized resettlement of villag- ers of central and western regions of the country to Siberian region; the analysis of scales of the movement and the efficiency of held events during mass development of virgin and laylands. When studying the problem the methods, traditional for such types of researches were used: historical and genetic, historical and comparative and quantitative. The solution of party and government’s decisions on the expansion of crops of grain crops on again mastered virgin and laylands of Siberia became the factor intensify- ing the rise of resettlement movement to Siberian region. However, for the implementation of drawn-up plans in Siberian areas and regions there was not enough the manpower. The problem of attraction of labor was actual for collective farms and state farms. These farms began to appeal to move to collective farmers of land-poor areas to their villages. In response to invita- tions of Siberians of one thousand families from different places of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus went to virgin soil. Organized resettlement of workers and collective farmers together with families became an important source of completion of the manpower in the areas of land development. The immi- grants made significant contribution to the development of new lands, growth of agricultural production and social and cultural formation of Sibe- rian village.

Siberian region, agriculture, organized resettlement, de- velopment of virgin and fallow lands, second half of the 1950-ies
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2. CHSD. - F. 5. - Op. 46. - D. 8. - L. 104; GARF. - F.310. Op.1. D.1059. L.26

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12. GAIO. - F. 1452. - Op. 1. - D. 46

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