Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Economic potential is the subject of many studies related to innovation management. The paper proposes tools for assessing and managing economic potential in the release and implementation of an innovative product, based on the results of studies of the nature and structure of economic potential. According to the authors, the main object of management in increasing economic potential is the marginal potential. It determines the possibilities of implementing an innovative product. The study presents and theoretically substantiates the division of the marginal potential into innovative and compensatory potentials, and also proposes to assess the potential as a possible volume of production during the product life cycle. The need to introduce a strategic level of management of the identified components of the marginal potential is substantiated and the corresponding tools are proposed: a matrix for choosing a strategy for developing the marginal potential and a matrix for managing advanced development. These tools at the strategic level allow choosing the directions of the ultimate changes of the selected elements of the innovation potential, which ensures a reduction in the area of acceptable solutions at the operational level of management.
Economic potential, marginal potential, innovation, strategic management, evaluation
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