Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The objective of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of Agile management methods using Sber as an example and to develop recommendations for their improvement. Objectives: to study the theoretical foundations of management in the banking sector and innovative approaches to management; to consider the agile approach as an innovative way of bank functioning; to study the application and implementation of Agile approaches in banking; to analyze cases of using agile methods in the corporate practice and culture of Sber PJSC; to evaluate the results of applying innovative approaches in the activities of Sber PJSC; to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of using innovations in the management of Sber PJSC. The object of the study is Sber Public Joint-Stock Company. In 2020, Sber summed up the results of five years of work. A significant role in the effectiveness of this work is played by about 100 professional coaches, who make up the largest and most experienced community of Agile coaches in the Russian Federation, and who develop, optimize and provide technical support for over 600 different products and services. Sber PJSC is currently focusing its efforts on improving product management practices and improving the qualifications of product managers. A specialized tool for research activities was created – Discovery Space, which is designed to support Agile teams in the process of formulating hypotheses and selecting relevant studies. The bank's main priority is the continuous improvement of the efficiency of all products and processes. In the process of long-term Agile transformation, Sber PJSC has formed significant expertise in this area. The bank's educational center offers a wide range of programs and courses for training and certification in the field of Agile, including exclusive courses from leading experts, as well as programs on the most popular methodologies Scrum and Kanban. Sber PJSC is one of three organizations in Russia accredited by Kanban University, the only university in the world specializing in teaching the Kanban methodology. Sber PJSC's experience in the field of Agile transformation attracts the interest of a wide range of Russian enterprises from basic training to comprehensive business transformation.

innovative approach, flexible methodologies, flexible management, agile, ecosystem, agile approach, efficiency, effectiveness

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