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Abstract (English):
The lichen epiphytic phytomass assessment for 5 tree sorts ( Abies sibirica, Larix sibirica, Picea obovata, Pinus sylvestris, Betula pendula) in the larch mixed cenosis is conducted. It is shown that epiphyte phytomass on coniferous sorts ( Larix sibirica, Abies sibirica and Pinus sylvestris) consists of 73% bushy types, there is an equal ratio of bushy (52%) and leaf (48%) forms on Betula pendula trees. There are from 62% ( Betula pendula) to 94% ( Picea obovata) of lichen epiphytic phytomass on tree branches. The direct dependence between the lichen phytomass and tree age for Betula pendula (r 2=0,87, p <0,05) and Pinus sylvestris (r 2 = 0,95, p < 0,05), and between stem diameter and lichen mass for Pinus sylvestris (r 2 = 0,94, p <0,05) and Abies sibirica (r 2=0,87, p <0,05) is manifested.

phytomass, epiphytes, bushy and leaf forms
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