The foreign and the recently published domestic project management standards are analyzed. It is proposed by the author to extend, to modify and to amend the existing State Standard that will help companies develop in the intended direction.
project management, the Russian State Standard, project, development, method
1. GOST R 54869-2011. Proektnyy menedzhment. Trebovaniya k upravleniyu proektom. - M.: Izd-vo stand., 2011.
2. GOST R 54870-2011. Proektnyy menedzhment. Trebovaniya k upravleniyu portfelem proektov. - M.: Izd-vo stand., 2011.
3. GOST R 54871-2011. Proektnyy menedzhment. Trebovaniya k upravleniyu programmoy. - M.: Izd-vo stand., 2011.