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Abstract (English):
Relations between soil and vegetation (major biogeocenosis components) determine the biogeochemical cycle. The value of biological, biochemical and biogeochemical processes is reflected in the teaching of V.N. Vernadsky on the areas of nature and the role of living matter in biosphere. In soil a large mass of solar energy in the form of organic matter is systematically concentrated. In man-made landscaping all the components are in the initial stage of formation, metabolic processes in ecosystems are slower in comparison with natural. The studies were conducted in cultures of pine-trees (Pinus sylvestris L.), created on the technically reclaimed Nazarovsky coal mine. Uneven pine cultures in the East, Serezhensky and Bestransportny stores dumps and cultivated soils are typical for this age, height and diameter, high stocks of timber and biomass of estimated I a and class I bonitet. At present the bulk of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are concentrated in phytocenoses biomass and soil. The main differences between the options were marked on carbon. The structure of organic carbon indicates slow decomposition of organic matter within initial and gray soils thickness. In forest biogeocenoses the initial soils were formed in the dumps, the majority (44-52 %), carbon is concentrated in the mineral thicker covered soil formation. At present the amount of carbon in the biomass of forest and litostrate becomes closer as a result of the processes of differentiation had more pronounced profile in comparison with gray cultivated soils. The cultures of pine, grown on reclaimed arrays without humus layer have a transformative impact on the well-known pentad soilforming factors which increased their development and made them closer to the natural forest landscape of the region.

biogeocoenosis, soil formation, carbon, pine cultures, Biophilia
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