The purpose of this work was to develop new types of confectionery with the use of a dried cranberry for increase of a nutrition value of finished products. Most of the population of Russia needs macro-, micronutrients, and also vitamins. In this regard, researches are carrying out complex studies on the development of confectionery with the use of local vegetable raw materials. The scientists of Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university studied the iris compounding with various dosage of a dried cranberry. The additive was used in the quantity of 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 %. Finished products were investigated by the main indicators of quality. By the results of an organoleptic and physical and chemical, and also tasting assessment the iris with a cranberry dosage of 14 % was chosen as the best sample. Calculation of a nutrition value showed that in the developed product the amount of B1 and PP vitamins, mineral substances increases: K, Mg, P, Ca, Na, protein, and also indigestible carbohydrates which promote improvement of work of a gastrointestinal tract. Taking into account the data given above it is possible to draw a conclusion that the use of a dried cranberry in the food products containing iris allows to receive a new type of products of high nutrition value, to expand the range of confectionery.
cranberry, nutrition value, iris, confectionery
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