Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the study was to investigate the chemical composition of the stone bramble (Rubus Saxatilis L.) and to formulate the recipe of the beverage, based on it. The investigation of the chemical composition of berries was performed by methods, accepted in plant biochemistry. It was found out that its fruit contains, total sugars - 2,2 sucrose - 0,3, glucose - 1, fructose - 0, 15, pectins - 0 96, fiber - 2,6, protein 4,3, fat 3,9, ash 0 26, water 84,6, vitamin C 119.69 (mg /%). The content of amino acids in the berries of Rubus Saxatilis L. is essential (in % g / 100g protein). They are: valine is 6,01; methionine is 3,32; isoleucineis is 5,21; leucine is 8,81; lysine is 9,35; threonine is 5,18; phenylalanine is 5,61. Basing on the chemical composition of the berries the authors have worked out a recipe of beverage. Organoleptic qualities corresponding TR CU 023/2011 and State standard 52184-2003, were used as the basis of determining the optimal ratio of the starting ingredients. It was found out that the rocky stone bramble contains a complex of substances with nutritional value (carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.). This proves that the rocky stone bramble, growing in Krasnoyarsk region, can be used to create functional beverages.

Rubus saxatilis L, juice drinks, amino acids, vitamins, sucrose, glucose, fructose
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