Russian Federation
Along with the hybridization, it is possible to obtain plants with new combinations of features using somaclonal variability. To reveal valuable genotypes of somaclones, to estimate their stability, the research of populations of soybean and garbanzo, which were obtained in vitro, was carried out. The regenerates of soybean were obtained in the planting of ephebic isolated cotyledonary nodes from SibNIIK 315 breed, of garbanzo in the planting of tissues of immature seeds from Krasnokutsky 123 breed. The tests on the fields of the somaclones were carried out in 2011-2013. The duration of vegetation of the most of the somaclones was 3 or 5 days more than the initial forms. Where in the differences in the duration of the period from blossoming to wax stage of ripeness of the soybean lines R-39, 40 were more significant. This gives the opportunity to select the genotypes which are steady to redundant moistening and lack of warmth, which can be observed in August and September. The latest ripening variety R-23 shows decompose in the vegetation period; early ripening forms were selected. The derivations from the initial form were observed in crop-production power and structural elements. For example, the average quantity of seeds in a bean is 1,8 pcs. (lines R-09 and R-27), which is 0,3 more than SibNIIK 315 as a standard has, whereas R-22 has only 1,2 pcs., which is 0,3 less than SibNIIK 315 as a standard. The selection by the contents of protein seems to be perspective: certain varieties show the derivations from +2 to +9 % from the initial breed. Resuming the field evaluation of thirty-six somaclonal lines of garbanzo, some productive varieties with compact bushes were selected: N-1-10, 2-10, 5-10, 9-10, 27-10. White-seeded forms N-2-10, 27-10, the crop-producing power of which is 37 and 65 g/sq. m respectively more than the brown- seeded standard, is quite interesting. The somaclonal variability allows to select some new forms with valuable for agriculture qualities on the trends of soybean and garbanzo selection in the region (the creation of breeds that are productive, early-ripe, resistant to hydrothermal stresses and the main pathogenic bacterium).
somatic clonal population, soybean, chickpea, the quality of seeds, yield
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