On the territory of the Amur region in the village of Krestovozdvizhensky Konstantinovsky district is a large pig farm «Agro - C. E. V». Its main purpose is to provide the population with quality meat. At the beginning of 2015 the number of livestock was 12309. The authors examined the dynamics of mortality among animals of different ages and their populations in the pig enterprise. Of the total number of livestock allocated three main groups of animals: young animals up to 2 months of age, calves up to 4 months and over 4 months. Basing on monthly reports we have collected data for six years. The percentage of pigs’ losses was calculated by the standard technigue based on indicators of mortality in relation to offspring at the end of the month. Mortality of animals is presented in percentage terms since January 2009 to December 2014. The research results are shown in the table. The herd stmcture was the following: main sows numbered 5,96 %• check numbered 4,48 %; repair mumps numbered 2,4 %; the gmnts were 0,1 %; the piglets up to two months of age were 23,32 %, young 2-4 months numbered 21,43 %, pigs numbered 42,27 % The analysis allows setting a specific rate of mortality of animals depending on their age. The greatest losses occur in calves from birth to two months of life, which is 8 % higher than the permitted values of the production rate. This of course, requires the adoption of emergency measures of organization on the part of breeders and veterinarians’ cohesive work and activities aimed at eliminating the cause of the death of animals, which can increase production efficiency. The results of the analysis allowed us to ascertain the most vulnerable age group among the total swine population. It consists of piglets of up to 2 months of age. The average mortality for the last 6 years was 18,3% and it results in low profitability of the farm.
large pig farm, the number of population, the young, the percentage of loss, the profitability of the company
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