The influence of the new domestic dmg Hermevit on the organism of calves, broiler chickens, ducklings and goslings in addition to the basic ration in the following doses: calves first experienced 0.5 g/kg in the first month daily, and from the second to the sixth month of the growing one-week course was investigated. The dose was increased to 0,1 and 0,9 g/kg of body weight for the calves in the second and third experimental groups respectively. Chicks, goslings, ducklings in the control group received the basic diet, the fowl of the first experimental groups was fed with Hermevit from daily to 5-day and 14- to 28-day age, in excess of 4 %. The fowl of the second experimental group the preparation was given in the first 28 days of cultivation, the Chicks, ducklings and goslings from the third experimental group Hermevit was administered in the diet throughout the fattening period at the same dose. Hermevit is a product derived from wheat germ, it is composed of vitamins, amino acids, macro - and micronutrients. To study the biological action of the dmg we take into account the indicators: in calves they are monthly weights, immunological and biochemical blood tests; for the chickens and goslings we make hematological study; for ducklings it is histological study of the thymus and Bursa of Fabricius. The results of studies indicate a high pharmacological activity of hermitite and the possibility of its wide application in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.
Hermevit, natural resistance, calves, broilers, geese, ducklings, metabolism
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