Belgorod region occupies one of key places in the development of biopower branch in Russia. The development of agro-industrial cluster creates certain advantages to farming, however, in process of development there is a number of questions on using of biological waste with maximum efficiency. For the right choice of biopower station parameters, it is necessary to analyze all studied technological and chemical processes, and also to choose materials for work. Besides the materials which are available on a biopower complex, it is necessary to create applied program development providing, proving a choice of parameters of a biopower complex in different temperature conditions. At the moment the author develops the concept of energetically effective transition of using a livestock and crop substratum, and in this case phases of fermentation of a substratum, a chemical composition of the turned-out biogas, temperature conditions of waste fermentation and the characteristic of these modes, acid-base balance, a regularity of hashing and inhibitors of process are considered. All these processes influence power production, efficiency of electricity and heat from installation of the combined generation subsequently. On all considered aspects key parameters of the choice of the equipment, raw materials and catalysts for receiving energy resources are formed further with using animal husbandry waste. The ecological component of the concept providing social development and, pointing to clarification of fertile lands of the region is also analyzed. The results, received during work, are integrated into agro-industrial complex of Belgorod region and can help with the solution of a wide range of technical tasks from drawing up the program of complex development of power to creation of normative documents of design of biopower complexes.
Belgorod region, biogas, technological scheme, anaerobic fermentation, energy efficiency, management of a national economy
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