In the connection with insufficient knowledge of the chemical composition of the orpin it was of interest to investigate the chemical composition and to define possible ways of its application in food products. The study of chemical composition was carried out according to the methods accepted in the biochemistry of plants. The article presents the results of the chemical composition of the orpin. In an overhead part of the the orpin there is a significant amount of nitrogen-free extractives (to 67,70 %), ash matter (14,97 %), fiber (12,69 %). The study of the mineral composition showed the presence of significant amounts of calcium (7,68 %), phosphorus (4,62 %), magnesium (1,41 %), iron (216,64 mg/kg), manganese (208,21 mg/kg). In the composition of fatty acids there are indispensable essential acids, such as linoleic and alpha-linolenic. The recipe of production of a strong alcoholic drink with the orpin as an ingredient has been worked out. Physico-chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the drink are defined in the study.
orpin, chemical composition, beverage, ingredient, quality indicators
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