The purpose of this study was to investigate the viability, natural resistance and productivity of laying hens of the import cross «shaver brown» and domestic «UK Kuban-7». In the course of daily research clinical and physiological condition of birds through daily inspection of laying hens and the preservation of birds were determined. The safety of adult hens during the experiments was calculated in percent from the starting population at different periods of birds; ergonometric indices of immune organs of chicken (thymus, fabriciana bag, spleen); live weight by weekly weighing of individual birds, as well as at the beginning and at the end of the experiments; uniformity; egg production on both primary and secondary layers for the whole period of experience; quality indicators of eggs once a month for five adjacent days for each group; economic indicators research were investigated. In the workshop of industrial domestic chickens flocks of cross 766 more hens were transferred in comparison with the foreign bird cross, although the chickens cross "shaver brown" on average 1 hen produced eggs more than 1 % of all eggs sold from this group is 3 985 thousand, which is less than in the group of domestic cross, which was equal to 250 thousand. In value terms, this amounted to 637,5 thousand rubles in favor of the cross «UK Kuban-7». The total cost was 134 thousand rubles more in the group of domestic cross, but when converted to 1 000 eggs the cost was below 76 rubles and amounted to 1747 rubles. Profits from the use of domestic cross in poultry amounted to 3407,7 thousand rubles, and from foreign cross to 2897,2 thousand. The level of profitability of using domestic cross was 45,9 %, which is higher compared to foreign cross by 6,1 %.
chickens, cross, safety, uniformity, fabriciana bag, thymus, spleen, egg production, quality of eggs
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