A comparison of the average value of the linear growth of the colony of pure culture of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) under standard conditions with the average rate of oxygen consumption, estimated with the method developed by the authors, has demonstrated that cultural properties and the linear dimensions of the colony growth over time cannot be used as the sole criterion for culture quality evaluating. Evaluation of the physiological activity of the biomass is essential criterion in the complex requirements for the quality of a pure culture, and the determination of the respiratory activity may be an objective criterion for evaluating the physiological potential of biomass. Incorporation into the culture media of cellulose and other plant polymers positively affects both morphological and physiological properties of a pure culture. The results of linear dimensions measurements of the colonies indicated that the best inducers of generative activity are hydrolytic lignin, sunflower husk and wheat bran. Taking into account oxygen consumption rate the best inducers of physiological activity are wheat bran, crushed leaves of chestnut and sunflower husk.
oyster mushroom, physiological activity, oxygen consumption activity, cellulose, sunflower husk, wheat bran, chestnut leaves, lignin hydrolysis, beech sawdust, grapefruit mesocarp
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