The outflow of fluid with swirl is considered to be the movement of the swirling flows. The equations of liquid outflow hydrodynamics are based on the second law of I. Newton. The advantage of hydrodynamics is the visualization of the trajectories of fluid. Therefore the hydrodynamic equations are considered to be based on the reference frame from the point of view of geodesy. The basis of the concept of space adopted by E. Mach, considering the attitude of the coordinate system to world space, according to the principle of relativity. The goal is to develop a geodetic approach for the simulation of vortex liquid and gas flows. In accordance with the principle of relativity Mach and geodetic approach space is defined as a set of material bodies (the points of the geodetic network) with the relations (connections, distances) between them. Internal survey is defined as the change in the state space (frame of reference). Under the inertial reference system is adopted a set of geodetic points (datum point in the fluid flow), changing the distances between them in repeated measurements in a limited interval reference (astronomical) time is not detected. Under the coordinate system a reference system with a preset algorithm to obtain coordinate is adopted. For algebraic representations of the principle of relativity Mach's by analogy with the complex form of interval Minkovsky introduced the kinematic interval (interval of Mach E.). On the basis of the kinematic interval two non-classical kinematic principles and geodesic equivalence principle (principle of Panin V.M.) and the principle of inertia were formulated. Given the change of coordinates by changing mutual distances between the ele-ments of the reference system is equivalent to moving. The equations of change of the relative position of the bodies of the reference system and the system of equations of hydrodynamics for swirling flow are given. Derived equations allow you to model eddy currents of liquid and gas such as in pipeline transport.
the movement of the swirling flows, differential equations, inertial reference system, hydrodynamic equations, full speed distribution
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