The intensification of animal husbandry is close-ly connected with increase in production of forages, expansion of the range of types of cultures, and also with the increase of their fodder and power qualities. When you reach nutrient balance in the feedits important value is eating of forage by ani-mals. The share of the eaten part of forage in the lump of granting forage is called coefficient of pal-atability and usually expressed as a percentage. The palatability of forages is influenced by many factors, including genetically fixed features of food of certain animal species, existence at smell for-ages (a mold smell of the spoiled forages, fra-grance of the plants containing essential oils), taste (the content of acids in a silo, bitter substances in plants), morphological characteristics of plants (ex-istence of awns, omissions), a physical condition of a forage (extent of crushing, hardness), impurity. Bad palatability of forage can become the reason of smaller consumption of solid and, as a result, de-crease in efficiency of animals. Now in our country 1.73 centner of sterns are spent for 1 centner of milk in animal husbandry. Unit, on 1 c of a gain of live mass of cattle is 18.8, and pigs is 12.8 cent-ners of sterns. The unit is much more standard in-dicators. Is the reason of it not only the low specific weight of productive part of fodder diets (because of an insufficient general feeding level of animals), but also poor quality of forages, especially on pro-tein. According to the researches’ data it can be improved at the correct concrete selection of forage crops, and also more rational use of productive po-tential of plants. The solution of this problem is connected with certain species and gender and age of animals’ groups, and also with the level of ad-aptation of forage crops to certain, natural zones of the region. In this regard the definition of palatabil-ity of various groups of forage crops to different kinds of animals (cattle, small cattle, rabbits) was the purpose of researches. For this purpose we put field experiments on cultivation one-year (in the pure and mixed crops) and long-term herbs. As a result of research, the optimal timing of mowing and high palatability of animal crops such as amaranth, annual clover, payza, mallow; mixed crops: oats + pea, payza + oil radish, corn + diaper, sorghum sugar + diaper, payza + diaper; of perennial grass-es: sandy sainfoin, galega. It was determined that the percentage of palatability when it reaches 100-65 %.
palatability of forage crops, less common, annual and perennial herbs, pure (single-species) and mixed crops crops, green mass, si-lage, the exchange
1. Avetisyan A.T. Pitatel'naya cennost' bobovo-zlakovyh smesey v lesostepi // Vestn. Kras-GAU. - 2015. - №12. - S. 123-128.
2. Benc V.A., Kashevarov N.I., Demarchuk G.A. Polevoe kormoproizvodstvo v Sibiri / RASHN, Sib. otd-nie, SibNII kormov. - No-vosibirsk, 2001. - 240 s.
3. Kul'turnye pastbischa v intensivnom moloch-nom skotovodstve: rekomendacii / G.V. Bla-goveschenskiy, N.V. Voronkov, V.N. Kutrov-skiy [i dr.]. - M., 2006. - 31 s.
4. Intensifikaciya kormoproizvodstva na os-nove adaptivnosti kormovyh kul'tur v Kras-noyarskom krae: rekomendacii / A.T. Ave-tisyan, L.P. Kosyanenko, D.N. Kuz'min [i dr.]. - Krasnoyarsk: Enisey-Znak, 2010. - 152 s.
5. Programmirovanie urozhaynosti polevyh kul'tur / N.M. Mayboroda, L.V. Tupikova, L.P. Stolyar [i dr.]. - Krasnoyarsk: Izd-vo KrasGAU, 2000. - 68 s.
6. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po provedeniyu pole-vyh opytov s kormovymi kul'turami / VNII kormov im. Vil'yamsa. - M., 1983. - 196 s.
7. Ovsyannikov A.I. Osnovy opytnogo dela v zhivotnovodstve. - M.: Kolos, 1970. - 304 s.
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9. Romanenko G.A., Tyutyunnikov A.I., Goncharov P.L. Kormovye rasteniya Rossii / CINAO. - M., 1999. - 370 s.
10. Spravochnik po kormoproizvodstvu i kormle-niyu sel'skohozyaystvennyh zhivotnyh v Ir-kutskoy oblasti / pod red. N.E. El'gert. - Irkutsk, 2005. - 543 s.
11. Tehnologiya vozdelyvaniya kormovyh kul'tur v Krasnoyarskom krae: rukovodstvo / A.T. Avetisyan, V.V. Danilova, N.V. Danilov [i dr.]. - Krasnoyarsk, 2012. - 150 s.
12. Himicheskiy sostav i pitatel'nost' kormov Krasnoyarskogo kraya / A.D. Volkov, Yu.P. Tan-delov, A.A. Vasilenko [i dr.]. - Krasnoyarsk: Izd-vo KrasGAU, 2005. - 113 s.
13. Avetisjan A.T. Pitatel'naja cennost' bobovo-zla-kovyh smesej v lesostepi // Vestn. KrasGAU. - 2015. - №12. - S. 123-128.
14. Benc V.A., Kashevarov N.I., Demarchuk G.A. Polevoe kormoproizvodstvo v Sibiri / RASHN, Sib. otd-nie, SibNII kormov. - Novosibirsk, 2001. - 240 s.
15. Kul'turnye pastbishha v intensivnom molochnom skotovodstve: rekomendacii / G.V. Blagoveshhenskij, N.V. Voronkov, V.N. Kutrovskij [i dr.]. - M., 2006. - 31 s.
16. Intensifikacija kormoproizvodstva na osnove adaptivnosti kormovyh kul'tur v Krasnojarskom krae: rekomendacii / A.T. Avetisjan, L.P. Kosjanenko, D.N. Kuz'min [i dr.]. - Krasnojarsk: Enisej-Znak, 2010. - 152 s.
17. Programmirovanie urozhajnosti polevyh kul'tur / N.M. Majboroda, L.V. Tupikova, L.P. Stoljar [i dr.]. - Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo KrasGAU, 2000. - 68 s.
18. Metodicheskie ukazanija po provedeniju polevyh opytov s kormovymi kul'turami / VNII kormov im. Vil'jamsa. - M.:, 1983. - 196 s.
19. Ovsjannikov A.I. Osnovy opytnogo dela v zhivotnovodstve. - M., Kolos, 1970. - 304 s.
20. Postnikov B.A. Novye i netradicionnye kormovye i fitojekstrogennye kul'tury i ih znachenie v kormoproizvodstve i zootehnii: sb. nauch. tr. / SibNII kormov SO RASHN. - Novo-sibirsk, 2007. - S. 115-139.
21. Romanenko G.A., Tjutjunnikov A.I., Goncha-rov P.L. Kormovye rastenija Rossii / CINAO. - M., 1999. - 370 s.
22. Spravochnik po kormoproizvodstvu i kormleniju sel'skohozjajstvennyh zhivotnyh v Irkutskoj ob-lasti / pod red. N.Je. Jel'gert. - Irkutsk, 2005. - 543 s.
23. Tehnologija vozdelyvanija kormovyh kul'tur v Krasnojarskom krae: rukovodstvo / A.T. Avetisjan, V.V. Danilova, N.V. Danilov [i dr.]. - Krasnojarsk, 2012. - 150 s.
24. Himicheskij sostav i pitatel'nost' kormov Kras-nojarskogo kraja / A.D. Volkov, Ju.P. Tandelov, A.A. Vasilenko [i dr.]. - Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo KrasGAU, 2005. - 113 s.