The questions of classification improvement and increasing the efficiency of power saturated wheel tractors using in technologies of tillage are consid-ered. The necessity of tillage in the acquisition of units of various technological purposes, each trac-tion class sizes have several operating power trac-tors is shown. This standard series of agricultural tractor becomes a two-parameter using as classifi-cation parameters rated driving force and the en-gine power developed in the stroke mode. The ex-pediency of use as the main indicator of technolog-ical tractor specific material that relates mass and energetic parameters when changing the traction mode and the rated speed of the working is sub-stantiated. Optimum values for nominal traction and high-speed operating modes of using a tractor in operations of tillage of different groups are defined. A two-parametrical number of tractors (except small-sized) representing the growing sequence of the interconnected classification parameters and consisting of nine traction and power classes is of-fered. Thus each class with the established borders of nominal traction force includes from two to three power categories which at the same time enter the previous and subsequent classes due to change of extent of ballasting of a tractor. Compliance to the presented two-parametrical classification of wheel tractors of the international classification by catego-ries of power is established. The concept "nominal traction force with a full ballast" at reasonable re-striction of range of traction efforts with two nominal rates is entered into the system of classification of power saturated agricultural tractors - top (with a ballast) and lower (without ballast) for rational use on operations of tillage different in agricultural re-quirements and power consumption of groups.
classification, indicator of technolog-ical effectiveness, traction and power class, two-parameter row, ballasting
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