Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the problems of distribution of sarcocystosis of pigs in Omsk region, its influence on veterinary and sanitary assessment and indica-tors of quality of slaughter products of animals are considered. The relevance of studying this problem ripened in connection with active growth of number of pig farms and productions of pork. Sarcocystosis is a protozoan illness of many animal species, birds and human beings. Pigs are intermediate owners of Sarcocystis suihominis. If a person uses the pork affected by sarcosyst which was not subjected to sufficient heat treatment an intestinal form of sarcocystosis develops. A research objective is specification of carrying out veterinary and sanitary examination criteria for the purpose of correction of veterinary and sanitary experts’ decision-making. The tasks were to estimate the extent of distribu-tion of a sarcocystosis of pigs in the farms of Omsk region; to establish the intensity of invasion and to give a comparative assessment of morphological, organoleptic and physical and chemical changes in carcasses of pigs with various degree of infection of sarcocystosis. As the material for researches tests of muscular tissue from carcasses of pigs (heart, diaphragm legs) from pig farms of 12 regions of Omsk region served. The research was conducted by a compressor method of the analysis of cuts of muscular tissue from the hulks coming to laborato-ries of veterinary and sanitary examination of Omsk. The greatest extensiveness of the invasion was established in Russian-Polyansky (72.7 %), and the smallest was in Odessa and Pavlograd areas (30.0 %). From areas with the lowest exten-siveness of the invasion (Odessa and Pavlograd) carcasses of pigs with the smallest intensity of the invasion of 0.2 pieces/g arrived.

sarcocystosis, the quality of meat, laboratory, muscles, microscopic research, microflora, infection, distribution
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