Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work is directed to studying of a microstruc-ture of soft cheeses and its change after barovacuum drying. As objects of research the fol-lowing cheeses have been chosen: "Adygei", "Roquefort cheese" and " Russian Camembert". The photos of cheeses’ microstructure received by means of the electronic scanning microscope be-fore and after dehydration were presented. The ar-rangement and the size of separate components of cheese according to the received photos were ana-lyzed. The fatty globules sizes made for fresh prod-uct had been established: to 500 microns at “Adygei” cheese, to 200 microns at “Roquefort” cheese and to 250 microns in “Russian Camem-bert” cheese. The influence of drying on a micro-structure of soft cheeses was analyzed. It was found out that the structure of “Russian Camem-bert” cheese was exposed to the greatest changes. After dehydration at this cheese the structure be-came chaotic, the set chaotic of the located microemptiness was formed, fatty globulels formed large conglomerates without accurately allocated borders. The porometric analysis on the analyzer of a specific surface and porous systems was carried out on special device of separate serfice, corre-sponding isotherm to the sorption was received. By means of porometric analysis the sizes of time, vol-ume and surface area were established. It was es-tablished that for “Adygei” cheese the largest vol-ume of the time (0.052778 cm3/g) were the share of their smallest diameter - from 40.3 to 23.7 microns. For “Roquefort” cheese the largest volume of the time was the share of diameter of 79.7-40.5 mi-crons, for “Russian Camembert” cheese - for the largest time, with a diameter of 1425.3-632.8 mi-crons. The last cheese was also characterized by the smallest surface area of the time among all studied cheeses.

soft cheeses, microstructure, drying, electric scanning microscope
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