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Abstract (English):
The results of our own researches on studying of physical and chemical indicators of mare’s milk of different genotypes are presented. The formation of experimental animals was carried out according to age, genotype, and measurements. Mares of dif-ferent genotypes were typical representatives of their breeds. Hybrids of Russian heavy truck sur-passed in live weight Yakut hybrids and Baikal mares respectively on 40.7 and 35.2 kg. Compara-tive assessment of physical and chemical indicators of mare’s milk acidity, density, SNF, fat content, protein was made. All indicators were in normal lim-its, as for milk (1.032), it was possible to assume that the received milk crude was suitable for the development of fermented milk products, including koumiss. It was established that Yakut-Baikal mares on physical and chemical indicators of milk slightly exceeded the data of other experimental animals. From the results of research it followed that milk of mares of different genotypes in Baikal territory was suitable for the use both in pure form, and in the form of fermented milk products. Physi-cal and chemical indicators and indicators of milk safety of experimental groups conform to require-ments of the Federal law №88 “Technical regula-tions on milk and dairy products”.

type, breed, measurements, live weight, dairy efficiency, physical and chemical indi-cators
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