Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Rabbit breeding is a perspective branch of ani-mal husbandry allowing receiving quality produc-tion. The increasing attention is paid to research and improvement of means, the protective forces of an organism directed to increase, including com-plex preparations of various origin as a growth fac-tor; acquisition of specific and nonspecific immuni- ty. The work purpose was studying the influence of zeolite of natural Holinsky deposit on mineral and vitamin structure of meat of rabbits and justification of economic efficiency of its application. The choice as a mineral additive of zeolite of the Holinsky de-posit was caused by its geographical position (West Siberian region, Chita), chemical composition, and also lack of manual on its application in rabbit breeding. This mineral additive was made in JSC NPF Nov (Novosibirsk), suited to Technical condi-tions 9365-036-16925875-05. The experiment was made in a country farm of N.N. Krasovskaya of Omsk region. Groups of rabbits (two experimental and control) up to 15 heads in each at the age of 60 days were picked up for the principle of analogs. For feeding of rabbits of the first experimental group compound feed with introduction to it of 3% of zeolite natural was used, for the second group it contained 5%. Control animal additives were not received. Experiment proceeded to 130-day aged animals. The way of rabbits’ group maintenance of was three rabbits in a cage. Positive influence of zeolite on mineral structure of meat of rabbits was established. The greatest increase of level of iron, copper and zinc in meat of rabbits was noted in the first experimental group. The amount of vitamins B in the meat of rabbits of experimental groups was at the level of control values. The profit on 1 head taking into account the proceeds from sales of meat and costs of forages in the first and in the second experimental groups were 167.29 and 166.98 ru-bles that was more than profit in control group which was 5.24 and 4.93 rubles respectively.

zeolite, rabbits, mineral structure of meat, economic effect, profit
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