Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The study was aimed at comparative estimation of productive action of several soy varieties grown under LED irradiators emitting white light or LED irradiators emitting the radiation similar to the spec-trum of green pigments’ absorption (phytos-pectrum). Four soy (Glycine max L) varieties, nota-bly, 1040-4-2 (Sweden, 2013), «Light» (Ryazan SRIAC 2013), PEP 27 (VIR, Leningrad region, 2012), PEP 28 (VIR, Leningrad region, 2012) were taken as the research subjects. The plants were grown at the photoperiod equal to 16 h by the light and 8 h in the dark by hydroponics method on ex-panded clay aggregate. Knop solution with addition of iron citrate and microelements was used as a nutrient solution. The white light LED irradiators and LED irradiators with phytospectrum having ra-diation maximum in blue and red spectrum regions of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) served as the light sources. PAR intensity at the level of the leaves’ upper layer was 690 ± 70 µmol/m-2s-1 under the LED irradiator with phytospectrum and 620 ± 60 µmol/m-2s-1 under the LED irradiators emitting white light. Air temperature was kept at the level of 23-25 °С in the chamber. The СО2 concentration was natural (0.036 As the researches showed de-pending on a variety the soy cultivation under the LED irradiators with phytospectrum either did not reliably affect the plants’ biomass or resulted in de-creasing of both total plants’ biomass and the seeds as compared with the plants grown under the LED irradiators emitting white light. In productivity comparison of the varieties under study for their further inclusion into the BTLSS structure it should be given preference to the variety 1040-4-2 (Swe-den, 2013) demonstrated the best correlation of the seeds mass, harvest index and the raw protein con-tent. As applied to biological-technical life support systems (BTLSS) is advisable to use the LED irra-diators close to white light at further experiments of soy cultivation.

light emitting diodes, radiation spec-trum, soy, productivity
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