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Abstract (English):
In winter-stall period, the incidence of disease in calves caused by enteropathogenic microorgan-isms, the farms can achieve 70 %. For the treatment and prevention of used antibiotics, sulfa, nitrofuran preparations, and biological products - vaccines and specific serum, and in recent years has offered the preparations made on the basis of pro- biotics - microorganisms - antagonists against enteropathogenic bacteria. One of such microor-ganisms is a spore-forming Bacillus Bacillus subtilis. The purpose of our research was to study the antagonistic activity of amylolytic strains No. 2-amylolitic, No. 9-amylolitic and No. 12-amylolitic Bac. subtilis with respect to such types of enteropathogenic microorganisms, such as Esche-richia coli, Salmonella dublin, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The research was conducted in the laboratory by culture of amylolytic strains on dense nutrient media containing one of the types of enteropathogenic microorganisms. Antagonistic ac-tivity was assessed by the diameter of zones of lysis around colonies growing amylolytic strains. It was established that different strains of amylolytic microorganism Bac. subtilis had different antago-nistic activity against various types of enteropathogenic microorganisms. The level of an-tagonistic activity against enteropathogenic micro-organisms amylolytic strainswas in the following ascending order: No. 2-amylolitic, No. 9-amylolitic, No. 12-amylolitic. The degree of resistance to amylolytic strains of enteropathogenic microorgan-isms was arranged in the following descending or-der: S. dublin, E. coli, Pr. vulgaris, Ps. aeruginosa and Str. pneumoniae. Amylolytic strains are probi-otics and can be used in livestock for treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in young farm animals caused by enteropathogenic bacteria.

bacillus subtilis, enteropathogenic bacteria, antago-nistic efficiency, amylolytic strains bacillus subtilis
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