In the study the analysis of the data in the con-tent of heavy metals (HM) in the tissues and organs of wild reindeer is provided. The material was col-lected on the Taimyr Peninsula in the period from 2004 to 2011. The overall data set, and a compara-tive evaluation of the values for sampling areas was performed. Average values of HM concentration, the accumulation of metals in bodies, correlation coefficients between sizes of accumulation of HM in bodies of the wild reindeer were defined; the cluster analysis of data was made. The objects of cluster-ing were samples of bodies and tissues, and the sign space, i.e. the space of HM which contents in bodies and tissues was value of signs. Basic data were normalized to estimate the contribution of all metals, irrespective of their absolute contents in the tests. An unconditional dominant on weight on all types of pastures was iron, and then it was copper. Cadmium and lead hold identical position: in some cases according to the contents in bodies Cd, in certain cases Pb dominated. In the absence of ra-tioning the role of the dominating metal in the course of clustering becomes prevailing. The dis-tinctions on the level of the maintenance of НM at wild reindeers of various groups living in the West and the East of the Taimyr Peninsula were estab-lished. Heterogeneity of the maintenance of НM in the bodies and tissues of wild reindeers from the western Taimyr was noted and it was explained by heterogeneity of pollution of the western pastures anthropogenous emissions. The content of pollu-tant in bodies and tissues of the wild reindeer from the western Taimyr considerably differed from simi-lar from east Taimyr.
wild reindeer, heavy metals (HM), Taimyr, pastures
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