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Abstract (English):
Among the main producers of agricultural pro-duction large and average agricultural enterprises, the peasants’ private farms (PPF) take a special place. PPF represent associations of the citizens, having property in the general property and in common carrying out production and other eco-nomic activity (production, processing, storage, the transportation and realization of agricultural produc-tion) based on their personal participation (Art. 1 of the Federal Law of June 11, 2003 74-FL"On peas-ants (the country) farms"). Along with the farmers in the village country personal subsidiary farms of vil-lagers exist and function. They, unlike farms, have consumer character, possess other motivational mechanisms. Due to the emergence of new pro-ducers there was a problem of their technological and technological service connected first of all with the development of new technologies, increasing of level of mechanization, general and professional culture of peasants. The results of studying of fea-tures of technical service of the machine and tractor park (MTP) of the country farms are given in the article. The work was carried out in the conditions of the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky territory of Irkutsk region on the area of 5153 km2. The area of the processed area made 364 320 hectares, on 94 country farms in which about 135 tractors were used, of 26 com-bines (grain- and fodder harvesting), and other ag-ricultural machinery did not function. The experi-ence of the organization of PPF technical service of the Russian Federation was generalized; the situa-tion and problems, and also the reasons of ineffi-cient development of the repair service of MTP PPF base were noted.

peasant private farming, technologi-cal machines station, repair, maintenance, ma-chine-tractor fleet
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