Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Earlier terms of green material gathering for si-lage lead to the shortage of the crop and receiving overacidulated forage with high losses of nutritional value, later to preparation of oxidized aerobically unstable product. The use of special biological ad-ditives allows avoiding such consequences. As such additive in research the biological product of «Biovet-1» consisting of lactic and propionic acid bacteria was used. In the study the results of re-searches of silage of one-year bean and cereal mixes when harvesting are presented three times: in the phase of dairy, dairy and wax and wax ripe-ness of grain with the use of this biological product. The work was performed on the farm «Dawn» of Chkalovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod Region. The silage prepared with the use of «Biovet-1» had good organoleptic indicators (color, a smell, struc-ture) which were provided with optimum quality of fermentation. The results of acid-formation analysis showed that, on average, the increase in the ready-made silage the amount of organic acids was seen, whereby the feed was acidified by 0.06 and 0.12 pH units, acid-formation was higher by 0.3-4.0 %, which provided the storage stability of silage. The content of lactic acid decreased in bean and cereal mixes without additives on 2.7-4.0, in silos with «Biovet-1» - by 5.0-7.4 % of dry matter. The use of biological product for conservation increased the content of acetic acid in ready silos on average by 0.3-0.9 % of dry matter. The obtained data confirm that silage of grain-legumes mixtures with the use of biological product lead to increasing of preserva-tion of dry matter for more than 5 %.

vetch-barley mixture, lupine-barley mixture, the phase of grain ripeness, dry matter, acidity, organic acids
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