Quality forage crops are characterized by dry matter content and nutrition, proper concentration of exchange energy, crude protein, and eutrophic sugars and protein combination. The nutritional feeding is defined by feed units’ content. Under all weather conditions the sustainable forage crops production requires a flexible rotation system of the crops (winter rye, legumes, perennials) which are grown under fall and winter precipitations, while maize, feeding root crops and millet crops are grown in summer and autumn. In order to in-crease forage crop rotation new and innovative for the region crops and hybrids are used. When si-lage maize amaranth in budding phase at a ratio of 1:1 protein nutritional feeding unit one finished silage is increased by 50 % compared to one of silage maize. The sugar content is higher in the stem amaranth in leaves and cobs of corn. Higher fat content is observed in rapeseed in green mass in the phase of fruit formation in amaranth leaves (0.9 %) and in the green mass of oats (0.7 %). For the nutrition quality (0.9 feed. U.) and the content of metabolizable energy in the diet (10.5 MJ in 1 kg of dry matter) green mass of oats has the advantage. The grain of palushka and lupine in terms of quality and nutritional yield of pea and soya all indicators are superior to other legumes and cereals. The positive influence of a biological product "Rizoagrin" is in the yield of green mass. Rizoagrin increases productive tillering culture due to its adaptation to adverse conditions (extreme temperature, the presence in the soil and seed pathogens, lack or excess moisture).
forage crops, amaranth, maize, yield, green mass, dry matter, nutrients, sugar, fat, feed units, exchange energy
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