In connection with the creation of wide network by lumbermen of joint-stock companies with small volumes of felling the question on the design of energy saving domestic small-size wood assort-ment pick-up that can work under forest canopy. Professors D.G. Myasishchev (PSU), N.A. Ivanov (ASU), Ju.A. Shirnin (PSTU) devoted their works to this problem. However, a constraining factor in this question is the lack of finished tendency on the de-velopment of interrelation of the parameters of weight and dimensions of the wood assortment pick-up of the lightest class. And thus because of the low level of mechanization in our country these works are often fulfilled with the overestimated ex-penses of energy resources. At the same time the machines of this class are increasingly used on foreign cutting areas. The limited weight and di-mensions of the considered wood assortment pick-ups are imposed by the feature of domestic natural working conditions of performing felling works done by them. The research techniques are regres- sive analysis. The basis of this technique is a de- veloped complex of mathematical models of inter- ference of considered parameters which have al- lowed establishing the tendencies of the develop- ment of weight and dimensions of machines. The values of the main statistical characteristics of pa- rameters of power, weight and dimensions of AP are established. The complex of the mathematical models allowing defining the tendencies of the de- velopment of the parameters of weight and dimen-sions of the AP is created. The character and ex-tent of interference of parameters of weight and dimensions of AP are defined. The created tech-nique of mathematical modeling of the tendency of the development of the parameters of weight and dimensions is recommended to developers of do-mestic wood assortment pick-up of the lightest class, to consumers for choosing these machines and for training students of both higher institutions and technical schools of forestry.
wood assortment pick-up, regres-sive analysis, mathematical modeling
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